Use gsDesign2 to solve practical problems
The following vignettes cover cases where gsDesin2 can be used to solve problems in practics.
- Quick Start for NPH Sample Size and Power
- Non-Proportional Effect Size in Group Sequential Design
- Design Using Average Hazard Ratio
- Average hazard ratio and sample size under non-proportional hazards
- Trial design with spending under NPH
- Spending Time Examples
- Power Evaluation with Spending bounds
- Summarize Group Sequential Designs in Nice gt Tables
- Power for Delayed Effect Scenarios
- Computing Bounds Under Non-Constant Treatment Effect
- Numerical Integration Non-Proportional Effect Size in Group Sequential Design
- Approximating an Arbitrary Survival Distribution
- Computing expected events by interval at risk
- Group Sequential Design for Binary Outcomes
- Futility bounds at design and analysis under non-proportional hazards
Use case of functions
The following vignettes cover the usage of the key functions in gsDesign2.
- eEvents_df: compute expected number of events at 1 time point
- AHR: computes AHR under NPH assumptions and (stratified) populations
- tEvents: compute time when a targeted number of events is made
- gs_info_ahr: compute statistical information by the AHR method
- gs_info_wlr: compute statistical information by the WLR method
- gs_info_combo: compute statistical information by the max combo method
- gs_power_ahr: computes power using average hazard ratio under non-proportional hazards
- gs_power_wlr: compute power by the WLR method
- gs_power_combo: compute power by the max combo method
- gs_design_ahr: compute sample size by the AHR method
- gs_design_wlr: compute sample size by the WLR method
- gs_design_combo: compute sample size by the max combo method
- gs_b: specify fixed boundaries in group sequential designs
- gs_spending_bound: compute spending boundary in group sequential design
- gs_power_npe: derives bounds and crossing probabilities for group sequential designs under NPH assumptions
- eAccrual: computes the expected cumulative enrollment (accrual) given a set of piecewise constant enrollment rates and times.
- summary & as_gt: summarize group sequential design
- fixed_design: compute sample size/power of a fixed design
Check of functions
The following vignettes cover the tests and checks of the key functions in gsDesign2.
- Test of the functions gridpts, h1, hupdate
- Test of the function eEvents_df
- Test of the function AHR
- Test of the function tEvents
- Test of the function gs_power_npe
- Test of the function gs_design_npe
- Test of the function gs_info_ahr
- Test of the function gs_info_wlr
- Test of the function gs_info_combo
- Test of the function gs_power_ahr
- Test of the function gs_power_wlr
- Test of the function gs_power_combo
- Test of the function gs_design_ahr
- Test of the function gs_design_wlr
- Test of the function gs_design_combo