Test 1
In this test, we verify tEvents()
by AHR()
enrollRates <- tibble(Stratum = "All", duration = c(2, 2, 10), rate = c(3, 6, 9) * 5)
failRates <- tibble(Stratum = "All", duration = c(3, 100), failRate = log(2) / c(9, 18), hr = c(.9, .6), dropoutRate = rep(.001, 2))
ratio <- 1
x <- AHR(enrollRates = enrollRates, failRates = failRates,
ratio = ratio, totalDuration = 20)
cat("The number of events by 20 months is ", x$Events, ".\n")
## The number of events by 20 months is 208.3641 .
y <- tEvents(enrollRates = enrollRates, failRates = failRates,
ratio = ratio, targetEvents = x$Events)
cat("The time to get ", x$Events, " is ", y$Time, "months.\n")
## The time to get 208.3641 is 20 months.
Test 2
x1 <- tEvents()
x2 <- gsDesign2:::tEvents_()
x1 %>%
union_all(x2) %>%
mutate(`function comes from` = c("new version", "old version")) %>%
select(`function comes from`, Time, AHR, Events, info, info0)
## # A tibble: 2 × 6
## `function comes from` Time AHR Events info info0
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 new version 14.9 0.787 150. 36.9 37.5
## 2 old version 14.9 0.787 150. 36.9 37.5
Test 3
enrollRates <- tibble(Stratum = "All", duration = c(2, 2, 10), rate = c(3, 6, 9) * 5)
failRates <- tibble(Stratum = "All", duration = c(3, 100), failRate = log(2) / c(9, 18), hr = c(.9, .6), dropoutRate = rep(.001, 2))
ratio <- 1
x1 <- tEvents(enrollRates = enrollRates, failRates = failRates, ratio = ratio, targetEvents = 200)
x2 <- gsDesign2:::tEvents_(enrollRates = enrollRates, failRates = failRates, ratio = ratio, targetEvents = 200)
x1 %>%
union_all(x2) %>%
mutate(`function comes from` = c("new version", "old version")) %>%
select(`function comes from`, Time, AHR, Events, info, info0)
## # A tibble: 2 × 6
## `function comes from` Time AHR Events info info0
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 new version 19.2 0.744 200. 48.9 50.0
## 2 old version 19.2 0.744 200. 48.9 50.0