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Test 1

Call with defaults.

x1 <- gs_design_ahr()
x2 <- gs_design_ahr_()
version samplesize events time theta Z_upper prob_upper AHR info info0
new 476.0087 291.9497 36 0.3807634 1.959964 0.9 0.6833395 71.70066 72.98742
old 476.0087 291.9497 36 0.3807634 1.959964 0.9 0.6833395 71.70066 72.98742

Test 2

Single analysis.

x1 <- gs_design_ahr(analysisTimes = 40)
x2 <- gs_design_ahr_(analysisTimes = 40)
version samplesize events time theta Z_upper prob_upper AHR info info0
new 427.7175 279.7264 40 0.3888515 1.959964 0.9 0.6778349 68.82523 69.9316
old 427.7175 279.7264 40 0.3888515 1.959964 0.9 0.6778349 68.82523 69.9316

Test 3

Multiple analysisTimes.

x1 <- gs_design_ahr(analysisTimes = c(12, 24, 36))
x2 <- gs_design_ahr_(analysisTimes = c(12, 24, 36))
version samplesize events time theta Z_upper Z_lower prob_upper prob_lower AHR info info0
new 419.0911 95.01497 12 0.2097907 4.332634 -1.281552 0.0005072859 0.0110825711 0.8107539 23.41475 23.75374
old 419.0911 95.01497 12 0.2097907 4.332634 -1.281552 0.0005072859 0.0005072859 0.8107539 23.41475 23.75374
new 502.9093 228.49620 24 0.3352538 2.339816 -Inf 0.5657878478 0.0110825711 0.7151566 55.87540 57.12405
old 502.9093 228.49620 24 0.3352538 2.339816 -Inf 0.5657878478 0.5657878478 0.7151566 55.87540 57.12405
new 502.9093 308.44863 36 0.3807634 2.011793 -Inf 0.9000000000 0.0110825711 0.6833395 75.75268 77.11216
old 502.9093 308.44863 36 0.3807634 2.011793 -Inf 0.9000000000 0.9000000000 0.6833395 75.75268 77.11216

Test 4

Specified information fraction

x1 <- gs_design_ahr(IF = c(.25, .75, 1), analysisTimes = 36)
x2 <- gs_design_ahr_(IF = c(.25, .75, 1), analysisTimes = 36)
version samplesize events time theta Z_upper Z_lower prob_upper prob_lower AHR info info0
new 371.4211 78.26886 10.73156 0.1948927 4.332634 -1.281552 0.0002821398 0.0165907170 0.8229230 19.31654 19.56722
old 371.4211 78.26886 10.73156 0.1948927 4.332634 -1.281552 0.0002821398 0.0002821398 0.8229230 19.31654 19.56722
new 510.4533 234.80664 24.35467 0.3374094 2.339816 -Inf 0.5847701924 0.0165907170 0.7136166 57.42103 58.70166
old 510.4533 234.80664 24.35467 0.3374094 2.339816 -Inf 0.5847701924 0.5847701924 0.7136166 57.42103 58.70166
new 510.4533 313.07554 36.00000 0.3807634 2.011793 -Inf 0.8999999998 0.0165907170 0.6833395 76.88901 78.26888
old 510.4533 313.07554 36.00000 0.3807634 2.011793 -Inf 0.8999999998 0.8999999998 0.6833395 76.88901 78.26888

Test 5

Multiple analysis times & IF and driven by times.

x1 <- gs_design_ahr(IF = c(.25, .75, 1), analysisTimes = c(12, 25, 36))
x2 <- gs_design_ahr_(IF = c(.25, .75, 1), analysisTimes = c(12, 25, 36))
version samplesize events time theta Z_upper Z_lower prob_upper prob_lower AHR info info0
new 419.0108 94.99677 12 0.2097907 4.332634 -1.281552 0.0005071107 0.0110854068 0.8107539 23.41026 23.74919
old 419.0108 94.99677 12 0.2097907 4.332634 -1.281552 0.0005071107 0.0005071107 0.8107539 23.41026 23.74919
new 502.8130 236.37492 25 0.3411384 2.339816 -Inf 0.5999030103 0.0110854068 0.7109605 57.81055 59.09373
old 502.8130 236.37492 25 0.3411384 2.339816 -Inf 0.5999030103 0.5999030103 0.7109605 57.81055 59.09373
new 502.8130 308.38953 36 0.3807634 2.011793 -Inf 0.9000000000 0.0110854068 0.6833395 75.73816 77.09738
old 502.8130 308.38953 36 0.3807634 2.011793 -Inf 0.9000000000 0.9000000000 0.6833395 75.73816 77.09738

Test 6

Multiple analysis times & IF and driven by IF.

x1 <- gs_design_ahr(IF = c(1/3, .8, 1), analysisTimes = c(12, 25, 36))
x2 <- gs_design_ahr_(IF = c(1/3, .8, 1), analysisTimes = c(12, 25, 36))
version samplesize events time theta Z_upper Z_lower prob_upper prob_lower AHR info info0
new 439.0663 102.3414 12.52524 0.2155534 4.332634 -1.281552 0.0006449165 0.0092803123 0.8060952 25.20656 25.58534
old 439.0663 102.3414 12.52524 0.2155534 4.332634 -1.281552 0.0006449165 0.0006449165 0.8060952 25.20656 25.58534
new 500.5867 245.6191 26.35614 0.3482478 2.339816 -Inf 0.6401942065 0.0092803123 0.7059240 60.08981 61.40476
old 500.5867 245.6191 26.35614 0.3482478 2.339816 -Inf 0.6401942065 0.6401942065 0.7059240 60.08981 61.40476
new 500.5867 307.0241 36.00000 0.3807634 2.011793 -Inf 0.9000000000 0.0092803123 0.6833395 75.40282 76.75602
old 500.5867 307.0241 36.00000 0.3807634 2.011793 -Inf 0.9000000000 0.9000000000 0.6833395 75.40282 76.75602

Test 7

2-sided symmetric design with O’Brien-Fleming spending

x1 <- gs_design_ahr(analysisTimes = c(12, 24, 36), binding = TRUE,
                    upper = gs_spending_bound,
                    upar = list(sf = gsDesign::sfLDOF, total_spend = 0.025, param = NULL, timing = NULL),
                    lower = gs_spending_bound,
                    lpar = list(sf = gsDesign::sfLDOF, total_spend = 0.025, param = NULL, timing = NULL),
                    h1_spending = FALSE)
x2 <- gs_design_ahr_(analysisTimes = c(12, 24, 36), binding = TRUE,
                    upper = gs_spending_bound,
                    upar = list(sf = gsDesign::sfLDOF, total_spend = 0.025, param = NULL, timing = NULL),
                    lower = gs_spending_bound,
                    lpar = list(sf = gsDesign::sfLDOF, total_spend = 0.025, param = NULL, timing = NULL),
                    h1_spending = FALSE)
version samplesize events time theta Z_upper Z_lower prob_upper prob_lower AHR info info0
new 411.7575 93.35231 12 0.2097907 3.872763 -3.872763 0.002264191 6.134000e-07 0.8107539 23.00501 23.33808
old 411.7575 93.35231 12 0.2097907 3.872763 -3.872763 0.002264191 2.264191e-03 0.8107539 23.00501 23.33808
new 494.1089 224.49775 24 0.3352538 2.357870 -2.357870 0.550377662 1.246332e-06 0.7151566 54.89764 56.12444
old 494.1089 224.49775 24 0.3352538 2.357870 -2.357870 0.550377662 5.503777e-01 0.7151566 54.89764 56.12444
new 494.1089 303.05110 36 0.3807634 2.009598 -2.009598 0.900000000 1.282767e-06 0.6833395 74.42709 75.76278
old 494.1089 303.05110 36 0.3807634 2.009598 -2.009598 0.900000000 9.000000e-01 0.6833395 74.42709 75.76278

Test 8

Pocock lower spending under H1 (NPH).

x1 <- gs_design_ahr(analysisTimes = c(12, 24, 36), binding = TRUE,
                    upper = gs_spending_bound,
                    upar = list(sf = gsDesign::sfLDOF, total_spend = 0.025, param = NULL, timing = NULL),
                    lower = gs_spending_bound,
                    lpar = list(sf = gsDesign::sfLDPocock, total_spend = 0.1, param = NULL, timing = NULL),
                    h1_spending = TRUE)

x2 <- gs_design_ahr_(analysisTimes = c(12, 24, 36), binding = TRUE,
                    upper = gs_spending_bound,
                    upar = list(sf = gsDesign::sfLDOF, total_spend = 0.025, param = NULL, timing = NULL),
                    lower = gs_spending_bound,
                    lpar = list(sf = gsDesign::sfLDPocock, total_spend = 0.1, param = NULL, timing = NULL),
                    h1_spending = TRUE)
version samplesize events time theta Z_upper Z_lower prob_upper prob_lower AHR info info0
new 494.0903 112.0186 12 0.2097907 3.872763 -0.619037 0.003046084 0.043002964 0.8107539 27.60498 28.00464
old 494.0903 112.0186 12 0.2097907 3.872763 -0.619037 0.003046084 0.003046084 0.8107539 27.60498 28.00464
new 592.9084 269.3872 24 0.3352538 2.357383 1.131907 0.637893043 0.082267363 0.7151566 65.87468 67.34679
old 592.9084 269.3872 24 0.3352538 2.357383 1.131907 0.637893043 0.637893043 0.7151566 65.87468 67.34679
new 592.9084 363.6476 36 0.3807634 1.977056 1.972917 0.900000005 0.100403556 0.6833395 89.30914 90.91190
old 592.9084 363.6476 36 0.3807634 1.977056 1.972917 0.900000005 0.900000005 0.6833395 89.30914 90.91190