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rent <- seq(2300, 4000, by = 100)

foo <- function(house_value, rent){
  ans <- monthly_cost(house_value = house_value, 
                      house_assessed_value = house_value * 0.8, 
                      mil_rate = 0.025,
                      monthly_hoa_fee = 250, 
                      monthly_home_insurance = 150, 
                      monthly_utility_fee = 0, 
                      closing_fee = house_value * 0.07,
                      one_time_fee = 0,
                      year = 10, 
                      saving_rate = 0.04, 
                      down_payment = 0.3,
                      mortgage_rate = 5.75/100,
                      morrgage_year = 30)
  return(ans - rent)

ans <- lapply(rent, 
              function(x){return(uniroot(foo, rent = x, interval = c(1e5, 1e6))$root)})

ans <-, ans) %>% %>% 
  mutate(rent = rent) %>% 
  rename(`house value` = V1) %>% 
  select(`house value`, rent) 

ans %>% 
  gt() %>% 
  tab_header(title = "The equivlance between renting and owning")
The equivlance between renting and owning
house value rent
272010.4 2300
286327.6 2400
300644.3 2500
314960.1 2600
329275.9 2700
343593.1 2800
357909.8 2900
372225.5 3000
386541.4 3100
400858.6 3200
415175.2 3300
429491.0 3400
443806.9 3500
458124.1 3600
472440.7 3700
486756.5 3800
501072.4 3900
515389.7 4000
rate1 <- 5/100/12
rate2 <- 8/100/12
house_value <- ans$`house value`

out <- lapply(house_value, 
                a1 <- repayment(x * 0.8, beta = rate1, m = 30*12)
                a2 <- repayment(x * 0.8, beta = rate2, m = 30*12)
                return(c(a1*30*12, a2*30*12, (a2 - a1)*30*12))}), out) %>% %>% 
  mutate(`house value` = house_value) %>% 
  rename(`lower rate` = V1, 
         `high rate` = V2, 
         diff = V3) %>% 
  select(`house value`, `lower rate`, `high rate`, diff) %>% 
  gt() %>% 
  tab_header(title = "The difference between lower/high rate")
The difference between lower/high rate
house value lower rate high rate diff
272010.4 420541.2 574822.8 154281.6
286327.6 442674.0 605080.8 162406.8
300644.3 464810.4 635335.2 170524.8
314960.1 486943.2 665586.0 178642.8
329275.9 509076.0 695840.4 186764.4
343593.1 531212.4 726094.8 194882.4
357909.8 553345.2 756349.2 203004.0
372225.5 575478.0 786603.6 211125.6
386541.4 597610.8 816854.4 219243.6
400858.6 619747.2 847112.4 227365.2
415175.2 641880.0 877366.8 235486.8
429491.0 664012.8 907617.6 243604.8
443806.9 686145.6 937872.0 251726.4
458124.1 708282.0 968126.4 259844.4
472440.7 730414.8 998380.8 267966.0
486756.5 752547.6 1028635.2 276087.6
501072.4 774680.4 1058886.0 284205.6
515389.7 796816.8 1089144.0 292327.2